Kerb Use Approved for Dodder Control as Emergency Exemption for 2019 in MA
Kerb Use Approved for Dodder Control as Emergency Exemption for 2019 in MA
We have finally gotten a break in the weather this week. Cool temperatures on a few nights are helping some color to develop. Looks like the weather may get hot again next week, so continue to be vigilant on monitoring for soil moisture.
If you are still applying pesticides (e.g., 2nd application of Ridomil or Aliette for Phytophthora), be sure to observe all needed PHIs. Ridomil products and Callisto have a 45-day PHI; Aliette has a 3-day PHI. QuinStar and Poast are 60 days, Stinger is 50 days. Select and Intensity products are 30 days.
The weather has been and will continue to be very hot. Monitor as needed to make sure the vines and fruit are not lacking for water.
We hate to sound like a broken record, but scale is continuing to be reported, seen and causing damage. The Entomology Lab is working hard to figure out who and what is going on. We do appreciate hearing from you and knowing what is going on with the bogs regarding...
We are having reports of continued troubles with scale on the bogs. Reports of several more sites with burnt areas have turned up. It seems we may have a new scale species that appears to have released crawlers mid-July resulting in scale on berries and leaves.
Many bee hives are being picked up this week. Weevil numbers have dropped but if you are over threshold, Actara can also be used against the summer generation. Actara is Restricted Use and Zone II restricted. It is also highly toxic to bees. It cannot be used on flow...
Most growers are in the midst of fruitworm and fungicide spraying. The week is looking to be either windy and then pretty hot, so grab whatever spray window you can get.
Most growers have put out their first fruitworm sprays by now or will be doing so this weekend. Altacor is the best choice for early fruitworm sprays and Delegate or Diazinon are the preferred compounds for later fruitworm sprays....
Stockbridge Hall,
Mass. Agricultural Experiment Station
UMass Research and Education Center Farms
Water Resources Research Center