We hate to sound like a broken record, but scale is continuing to be reported, seen and causing damage. The Entomology Lab is working hard to figure out who and what is going on. We do appreciate hearing from you and knowing what is going on with the bogs regarding scale.
Even with the incredibly hot weather we are and will be experiencing, there is little value to applying additional fungicides at this point in most situations. You will do more to conserve and preserve fruit integrity by maintaining good soil moisture, adequate irrigation, and perhaps doing some mid-day cooling when indicated. Data from both Frank and Erika support low efficacy with late summer applications of fungicides to control fruit rot, so please do not waste your money.
Other items to keep in mind with the stressful conditions: Yellow vine syndrome may show up, especially on vines that are stressed for other reasons, such as Casoron applications or other issues. Keep in mind too that cranberry vines will not metabolize herbicides as readily when they are stressed and you may see “flashing” after you apply Callisto (or other mesotrione products). The vines should grow out/recover from both of these issues.
If you have dodder on your bog, you can rake it once to open up the canopy. You can use hand-held flame torches to keep it from setting seed; this is very helpful. You need to do this as soon as you can but certainly before the seeds are formed. Concentrated solutions of Callisto (1.5 oz/gal) are also effective on dodder (best if the dodder has not yet flowered, but can still help even if flowers are there).
The CCCGA is hosting their summer meeting on Wed Aug 22. Please contact them to purchase your lunch tickets.