Most growers have put out their first fruitworm sprays by now or will be doing so this weekend. Altacor is the best choice for early fruitworm sprays and Delegate or Diazinon are the preferred compounds for later fruitworm sprays. Spag flights were up last week and may have peaked this week. If you are treating with growth regulators like Confirm, Intrepid or Altacor, you need to time for 3 weeks after moth flight begins, which is now. If using Delegate, apply 10-14 days after peak flight, which is another week or two away. Marty reports there is a Loveland Intrepid called Invertid that has an adjuvant added for just a bit more $$.
Fruit set fertilizer applications have been and should continue to go for most varieties and locations.
If you are trying to control Fairy Ring, Ferbam can be applied at 9 lb/100 gal water through July 31. Do not apply after July 31. You can only do one application of Ferbam. This goes out as a soil drench at a rate of 1 gal/sq ft. Treat 3 ft beyond the advancing ring and 2 feet within the line.
Marty has seen some browning of petals; the symptoms occurred about 5 days after a Bravo application but also after some significant hot bog temperatures. It is still questionable whether the symptoms are application or heat related, and if the injury will have any yield impact. If you have similar symptoms, please call the station, 508-295-2212 either ext. 20 or 21.
We have had a few questions about tank mixing products. Mixing Altacor with Bravo, Indar, or Proline should be fine. Don’t forget to add an NIS with Proline or Indar applications. You may actually want to add an adjuvant with Altacor alone depending on your situation. Call us to confer if you wish. As far as mixing pesticides with Callisto, we are wary due to possible loss of efficacy with the tank partner. It may be that Callisto is negatively affecting the efficacy of insecticides and perhaps even with fungicides. Until we have more information, we would encourage you to do separate applications. If you have experience one way or the other with tank mixing with Callisto, please let us know (ext. 20 or 21). Also let us know if you have tried Intensity with a fungicide. Remember the timing restriction for any clethodim product such as Intensity or Select; no application between hook and fruit set.