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Cranberry IPM Message

We have heard of a few reports of noticeable Spag flights over the past week or so.  It is not unusual to see Spag flight at this time of year.  We do NOT recommend applying insecticides at this point.  They will not affect the adults (moths).  The moths you see now will lay eggs and the first-instar larvae will overwinter.  If you see a flight of Spag out on your bog, you should be especially...

Drought conditions continue in most of the state (approaching 93% affected) and for the first time a significant area (approaching 18%) has reached Extreme Drought status.  This is in the Northeastern part of the state with almost all of Essex County included.  Only far Western Berkshire County is considered NOT to be in drought at this time.  Most of our region is in the Moderate Drought...

The weather has been and will continue to be very hot.  This can be stressful for the vines (and for you!).  Monitor as needed to make sure the vines and fruit are not lacking for water. We all recognize there is much concern about depleting water supplies and upcoming harvest.  Let's hope we get some rain soon.

We have had a few questions about timing of Callisto with the heat conditions.  From the manufacturer, if it is possible, they would prefer to see applications made in the morning. Weeds are less stressed due to the heat and will pick up the Callisto more readily verses day or evening applications. Realizing this is not always possible, they have not put restrictions about this on the label....

We had our first report of early rot late last week (July 22).  This is caused by the fungus, Phyllosticta.  Remember that resistance development to Abound, Indar, and Proline is a real and serious threat.  Applications of these fungicides should be made PRE infection rather than POST infection (now).  For RM purposes, it is best to use multi-site contact fungicides, like chlorothalonil or...

If your fruit have set, you are clear to make applications of Select/Select Max.  With any herbicide or pesticide for that matter, exercise caution when applying in hot conditions.  The general guideline is that the risk for vine injury increases if the temperature (degrees F) and humidity exceed 150.

Several calls have come in about wilting, watering and daytime cooling.  In most instances, it is too early to be doing mid-day cooling.  That is really only needed when fruit are present.  Otherwise, assuming you have been keeping up with the water needs of your plants, they should be able to cool themselves without needing additional irrigation during the day.  If you have not been...

Growers should be aware that there have been instances of drought stress damage reported in the region.  New, tender growth on cranberry can be very prone to heat and drought damage.  Such damage may be more pronounced this spring because of recent weather conditions of high vine level temperatures, little or no rain, low dew points, and windy conditions.  In addition, saturated soils early in...

This week, we've received a few more reports and samples of cranberry wilt. Cranberry wilt, often followed by tissue browning, is caused by water stress and since new growth is much more prone to desiccation, it is commonly observed during spring.

Bloom is coming on slowly in some areas.  With mixed varieties, time the start of fungicides with the earlies.  Since we are in that situation, we will be applying our first fungicide today.  Our program will consist of 2 applications of Proline and the third as Bravo.  All at the full rate.  Recent sweeps yielded a few weevils, span worms, and large gypsy moths.  None over threshold.  We have...
