September was warm with above average sunshine and extremely dry. The temperature averaged 63.9 degrees, 1.0 degree per day above normal. Maximum temperature was 85.1 degrees on the 3rd, 4th and 6th; a minimum temperature of 38.3 degrees was recorded on the 20th. Daytime high temperatures averaged 73.5 degrees, which is 1.5 degrees above the norm. Evening temperatures averaged 54.3 degrees, 0.5 degrees above the norm.
Sunshine totaled 67% of the possible sunshine hours, 11 points above the norm. We also had 3 days with morning fog in East Wareham.
Precipitation totaled 1.52 inches, 2.97 inches below normal and 1.09 inches below last year's September rainfall. September 2014 was the 5th driest September in the past 30 years here in East Wareham. We had measurable rain of 0.10 inches or greater on just 5 days, and 2 days with spotty showers and drizzle with less than 0.10 inches recorded. The largest 24-hour rainfall was 0.72 inches recorded on the 26th, this being almost ½ the total rainfall for the month. There were also no thunderstorms this month. Year-to-date rainfall for 2014 is 35.92 inches, 1.06 inches below average for East Wareham and 2.70 inches below 2013 total rainfall at the same time last year. Even with the large amount of rainfall in July, this extremely dry September has put us back in a deficient for 2014 year-to-date rainfall. We went 30 days from August 13th until September 13th with only 0.53 inches of rain. Only receiving 0.33 inches of rain over the next 12 days, totaling just over ¾ of an inch of rain in 42 days.
Year to date, 2014 has had below normal temperatures and rainfall, with above average sunshine and snowfall.