September was slightly on the cool side with above average sunshine and extremely dry. The temperature averaged 62.0 degrees, 0.9 degrees per day below normal. Maximum temperature was 81.0 degrees on the 4th and 11th; a minimum temperature of 40.0 degrees was recorded on the 18th. Daytime high temperatures averaged 71.4 degrees, which is 0.6 degrees below the norm. Evening temperatures averaged 52.6 degrees, 1.2 degrees below the norm.
Sunshine totaled 65% of the possible sunshine hours, 9 points above the norm. We had 9 days with 90% or better sunshine and 0 days with no sunshine at all. We also had 2 days with morning fog in East Wareham.
Precipitation totaled 2.61 inches, 1.88 inches below normal and 4.88 inches below last year’s September rainfall. We had measurable rain of 0.10 inches or greater on just 4 days, and 3 days with spotty showers and drizzle with less than 0.10 inches recorded. We had just one major rain events at the beginning of the month, starting on the 1st and ending on the 3rd totaling 2.24 inches. The largest 24-hour rainfall was 1.46 inches recorded on the 4th. There was just one thunderstorm this month. Year-to-date rainfall for 2013 is 38.62 inches, 1.64 inches above average for East Wareham and 3.76 inches above 2012 total rainfall at the same time last year. Even with the last three months having below average rainfall, the heavy rainfall in June has kept East Wareham’s year to date rainfall above average.