Jon Clements is a native Vermonter and received his B.S Degree in Wildlife Management in 1977 at the University of Vermont. After several intervening jobs, including short-order cook and hardware/garden center store manager, and a stint as day-care provider to his two daughters, Jon began his career in orchards as a Research Technician at the University of Vermont. While there, he received his M.S in Plant & Soil Science in 1998 and shortly thereafter took a job with Michigan State University Extension as Berrien County Horticulture Agent. Jon returned to New England in 2000 as Extension Tree Fruit Specialist at the University of Massachusetts. Jon prides himself in being able to provide one-on-one and one-to-many Extension outreach to Massachusetts and New England orchardists with an emphasis on modern, intensive orchard production practices and integrated pest management. Jon is based at the UMass Cold Spring Orchard in Belchertown where he also manages numerous applied research & demonstration orchard blocks of apples, peaches, and cherries.