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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:10
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cucurbit Update
Sweet Corn Update, European Corn Borer and Corn Earworm Trap Counts
Managing Bacterial Canker in Tomato: Key Strategies
Summer Cover Crops
Organic Growing, Transitioning and Certification
Plectosporium Blight of Cucurbits
Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test: Now is the Time for Sampling
Upcoming Twilight Meetingts in Massachusetts and New Hampshire
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:9
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cutworms on Sweet Corn Seedlings
Sweet Corn Update, European Corn Borer and Corn Earworm Weekly Trap Counts
Bacterial Spot and Bacterial Speck of Tomato and Pepper
Measuring Insecticide for Backpack Sprayers and Small Plantings
Caterpillars in Brassicas
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:8
In This Issue:
Crop Conditons
Twilight Meeting at Twin Oaks Farm
Sweet Corn Update
Stunted Little yellow Plants, Will They Recover?
Ozone Injury Observed in Potato
Squash Bug in Vine Crops
Video: Farmers and Their Ecological Sweet Corn Production Practices: Special Offer
Early Blight of Tomato and Potato
Tomato Update
Potato, Beans: Scout for Potato Leafhopper
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:7
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
A Few Thoughts on Wet Fields and Herbicides
Sweet Corn Update
Dealing with Phythophthora Blight: Checklist of Cultural and Chemical Control Measures
New Vegetable Crop Insectides/Miticides/Molluscicides
Reports from the Field: A Source of News for Vegetable and Berry Growers
Evaluation of Resistance of Cucurbit Species to Plectasporium-Tabacinum
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:6
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Sweet Corn Update
Conservation approaches to agricultural water use: a SAN publication
Spinach Leafminer on cahrd, beets, or spinach
Row cover for midsummer- want to try non-heating row covers?
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:5
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Sweet Corn Update
Dealing with Phytophthora Blight: Checklist for Field Preparation and Planting
Seedcorn Maggot and Wireworm Damage on Early Cucurbit transplants
Managing Striped Cucumber Beetle in Vine Crops: Updates for 2006
Perimeter Trap Cropping in Butternut: More Farmers Try PTC
Managing Colorado Potato Beetle
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:4
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Heat Stress and Heat Tolerance in Broccoli For Late Summer Harvest
Nutrient Management for Brassica Crops
NEV&BGA Project on Alternatives to Synthetic Pyrethroids for Control of Insect Pests in Corn
Cabbage and Onion Maggot Flies
Flea Beetles in Brassicas
Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:3
In This Issue:

Welcome Spring

Production and Marketing of Eggplant Varieties for New Market

Harvesting Salad Greens Through the Fall and Spring at Tobacco Road Farm

Comparing Soil Health on New York Vegetable Farms

Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:2
In This Issue:

Fungicide Update 2006

Weed Management Update 2006

New Vegetable Crop Insecticides/Miticides/Molluscides

Plant Pathologist in Bangladesh

Controlling Bacterial Diseases with Plant Activators

UMass Small Farm and Garden Days

Farmers Market Workshop to be Held April 4th in North Grafton

Position Available

Vegetable Notes 2006 Vol. 17:1
In This Issue:

How the Environmental Quality Incentives Progran (EQIP) works in MA

Risk Management and Crop Insurance Options for New England Vegetable Growers: and Introduction

Is Crop Insurance for You?

Massachusetts Organics Recycling Summit, Weds, March 1st

New Mass Aggie Seminar Series

Mass Aggie Vegetable, Fruit and Fish Day


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