Northeast Region — Programs

Northeast Region - Lawrence Office:
UMass Extension
Nutrition Education Program
Family Service Building
430 North Canal St. #2
Lawrence, MA 01840.
Phone: 978-689-4744
Jeanne M. Baranek, MA, CFCS
Program Supervisor
The UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program (NEP) provides families with the knowledge and skills for healthier eating through research-based nutrition education that makes a real difference. Nutrition education is provided in Lawrence and the surrounding communities through:
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
EFNEP provides practical, skill-based nutrition education to low-income families with young children and to youth up to age 18 from these families. Adults participate in a series of small group sessions led by an EFNEP educator from their communities and learn about nutrition, food shopping, and food safety while engaging in group discussions, cooking demonstrations, food tasting, fun physical activities, and other hands-on learning. EFNEP youth participate in a series of group sessions, learning about healthy food and beverage choices, food preparation, food safety and fitness/physical activities.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)
SNAP-Ed’s mission is to help SNAP participants make healthy food choices and choose active lifestyles within a limited budget. Programs are planned annually with the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), community agencies, and schools throughout the Commonwealth. Program activities include workshops, lesson series, and food demonstrations.