If your fruit have set, you are clear to make applications of Select/Select Max. With any herbicide or pesticide for that matter, exercise caution when applying in hot conditions. The general guideline is that the risk for vine injury increases if the temperature (degrees F) and humidity exceed 150.
We have been fielding a lot of calls about cooling plants, especially given the current hot condition. We plan to have a newsletter addressing this subject along with other current issues late next week. Remember that the plants should be able to cool themselves if fruit are still small; even once fruit start to size, they should be able to cool themselves as long as there is adequate soil moisture.
Entomology mentions that 2nd generation weevil is out but you cannot spray if you have any bloom on the bog. Irrigate in early morning for expected hot days. The time for Altacor is finishing up. We are experiencing an incredible Gypsy moth flight; the males are out flying and the females are flightless. We have had several reports of green spanworm moths flying as well.
We are approaching the final application for fruit rot protection. Keep in mind PHI and relevant restrictions. For example, no Bravo after July 25 for some growers. Erika has seen some stem gall (a bacterial disease) in areas where winter injury occurred (see photo).