Spag is over threshold in many locations. In some cases, larvae may be too big to get expected control with Altacor or Delegate. It is too late for Intrepid as they have achieve most of their size and will be pupating soon. Gypsy moth populations have exploded and larvae are over 1 inch long in many instances. Sevin may be the only option for big larvae; Avaunt is not effective against GM. Spanworms, in many sizes, have also be picked up, some over the threshold of an average of 18 per sweep set. Bees will be coming in to many bogs in the next week, so exercise caution with insecticide applications. Some labels have RESTRICTIONS regarding application with bloom and/or bees present, so READ the label of the product you are using.
We will be holding a bogside workshop on Wednesday June 15, 9-11 AM at Peltola’s Bog at 30 Holmes St, Carver, MA (2 shops past the blue house and a field). Steve will demonstrate his boom sprayer applicator and Hilary will give a demonstration on calibrating a backpack sprayer. Other issues of the day will be discussed as needed. 2 contact hours will be offered. Directions from Rt. 58 - Turn onto Meadow St (left if traveling north, or right if traveling south). Turn right onto Holmes St, and the entrance to the property is on the right after approx. 0.5 mi.