Publications & Resources

The mission of the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program (NEP) is to provide individuals, families, and communities with the knowledge and skills to manage their food resources effectively and enjoy healthy foods, and physical activities for longer and more fulfilling lives. Our materials are designed to promote healthy and active lifestyles.
These publications contribute toward this mission by helping individuals and families apply the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Choose MyPlate in their daily lives. The materials were developed for families and communities who participate in the Nutrition Education Program. If you are interested in having a NEP nutrition educator deliver a nutrition education program in your community, please contact a UMass NEP Extension office closest to you.
Nutrition Bites newsletter series
Youth Curriculum
Taste the Rainbow, Lessons and worksheets
Parent Newsletters
Food Safety
Our food safety publications were developed by experts in the field and are organized by topics suitable for:
Healthy Recipes
We hope you enjoy these delicious and nutritious recipes. They were carefully tested and selected to reflect the healthy principles we teach. The recipes are low in fat, high in fiber, contain whole-grain ingredients, and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The recipes are low in cost, and quick and easy to prepare. Many of the recipes include a video demonstrating how to prepare this dish. Enjoy eating healthy!
The recipes are organized by: