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2024 Fall Greenhouse Education Program

Event date/time: 
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 8:30am to 12:00pm
Event Type: 
$25 per person, payment by credit card.

Join us online on November 20, 2024 for a half-day virtual education program that will share knowledge and skills useful to close out 2024 on a strong note and look forward to the 2025 season!


8:30 AM - In-House Diagnosis of Plant Diseases

Dr. Angela Madeiras, Plant Pathologist and Diagnostician, UMass Extension Diagnostic Lab

This session will discuss the signs and symptoms of disease in the greenhouse and in-house testing methods that are available to growers. 

9:30 AM - Break

9:45 AM - Why Do We Dip Cuttings?

Dr. Michael Brownbridge, Senior Technical Services Manager, Bioworks Inc.

This presentation will focus on the IPM benefits of dipping incoming cuttings and the products that can be used. Dipping helps to keep pest population low and gives biocontrol agents a head start in keeping pest populations in check. Dipping also helps to reduce the need for pesticide applications later in the crop cycle.

10:45 AM - Break

11:00 AM - Importance of Sanitation in Protecting Greenhouse-Grown Crops from Insect and Mite Pests

Dr. Raymond Cloyd, Professor and Extension Specialist, Kansas State University

This session will discuss sanitation practices and the reasons for using them in the greenhouse. Greenhouse sanitation helps to prevent insect and mite pest outbreaks. Investing in greenhouse sanitation is much less expensive than paying for repeated pesticide applications and possible crop losses.

Pesticide Credits

Three pesticide credits in Massachusetts categories 26, 29, 31 and 000 (Applicator's License/Core) have been approved for this program. Credits are valid for equivalent categories in all New England states. To receive pesticide credits, you must register with your unique email address, log in with your own device, answer all the poll sessions, and complete the survey after the webinar.

How to Participate: 

After registration, you will receive an email closer to the November 20th event date with instructions on how to join the meeting.

Special thanks to the Massachusetts Flower Growers Association!  Their gracious support has reduced participation fees for this event.

Registration Deadline: 
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 5:00pm
Contact's name: 
Geoffrey Njue
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
This event will be recorded: 