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Cranberry IPM Message

We have been hearing about many bogs with vines in distress coming out of the winter.  Some bogs have leaf drop, some have dead vines and dead spots and some are showing dieback of uprights.  More than 20 samples have already come into the Diagnostic Lab. We do not know yet if it is abiotic or...

We have rescheduled our April Pesticide Safety Meeting to online via Zoom for 2 nights next week, the 18th and 20th, 6-8 pm. Agenda will be different for each night.

Flea beetle is out (couple spots with high numbers and damage) and more root stress/heat issues have been reported.

It’s a good time to treat for Poverty Grass and other warm-season grasses. Our grass herbicides are much more effective when applied before the grass flowers.  Remember to add the proper adjuvant with the herbicide.

Some yellow vine syndrome symptoms are showing up.  This is not unexpected as we see this when vines are under stress, usually from heat or water imbalances.  There is not much to do at this point except to monitor soil moisture and irrigate...

Most growers are in the midst of fruitworm and fungicide spraying. The week is looking to be either windy or pretty hot, so grab whatever spray window you can get. Altacor for fruitworm is a good choice and you should allow at least 7 days between applications, 10-14 is better....

Bloom is finally moving towards mostly set!  Altacor should be on your bog to manage cranberry fruitworm now!  The second spray of Altacor must wait 7 days (label restriction) but it is better to space them 10-14 days apart...

It is time to being planning for your first Altacor application targeting Cranberry Fruitworm eggs.  Even most large-fruited varieties have still not reached 50% out of bloom, but berries bigger than pinheads are easy...

If you are trying to control Fairy Ring, Ferbam can be applied at 9 lb/100 gal water through July 31. Do not apply after July 31. You can only do one application of Ferbam. This goes out as a soil drench at a rate of 1 gal/sq ft.

Sparganothis fruitworm moths and Cranberry fruitworm moths are flying.  There are pictures on the IPM Message on the Cranberry Station web site.
