We have had several reports this week of Spag in numbers above the action threshold (>1 per set). Some growers have discussed waiting until sprays are needed for cranberry fruitworm to treat for Spag (to try to save money and sprays). The Ent Lab discourages this consideration. They recommend trying to target the first generation (which is now). Although the larvae are getting large, Intrepid (growth regulator) can be a good choice for efficient chemigation systems. Confirm, a similar type product, can be used in Zone 2 areas. Chances are good that the timing for cranberry fruitworm and Spag will NOT overlap. If you do not treat the 1st Spag generation, you will have to chase the 2nd generation with additional sprays later anyway, so you really will not be saving any sprays (by not spraying now). Call the Ent Lab if you have additional questions. The Ent Lab also reports that Orthene seemed to do well against some of the early season caterpillars. Be sure to ck with your handler for application restrictions as different handlers are limiting the use of certain compounds and have dates past which certain chemicals cannot be applied.
First fungicides for fruit rot go out at early bloom, which may occur next week in some areas. Vine growth is very variable. Some bogs could see first open blooms in the next few days and some are still at roughneck.
If you are applying a second application of QuinStar, be sure to wait at least 30 days between applications. Callisto has a 14-day interval between applications.