Please let the Entomology lab know if you have a scale problem or if you think you have a problem. They can help you diagnose it and they want to know how much is out there in the industry. If you have scale, it is time to spray. As far as fruit rot, it is also time to be putting out first fungicide. The window for controlling early season insects is closing unless you have really high numbers. These are cases that definitely need managing. Bloom time fertilizers go out around 75% bloom, you should check, but most likely many bogs are not quite there yet.
It is probably too late to be spraying for cranberry weevil (eggs are in the pods already) for most locations and varieties and for spag larvae. Adult Spag moths are out. If treating Spag with Intrepid or Confirm, apply 3 weeks after moth flight begins and again 10-14 days later. Conventional insecticides are applied 10-14 days after PEAK flight.