Altacor should have good residual and rainfastness, if you are concerned about sprays going out in this unstable weather pattern that we currently find ourselves. Please use the traditional cranberry fruitworm timing for Howes, spraying 7-9 days after 50% out-of-bloom. This is still the best management strategy for this variety.
Some folks have inquired about mixing Bravo and Altacor. There is likely no issue with the physical mixing of the two pesticides. However, efficacy may be compromised and we have no data to support this one way or the other. According to Syngenta representatives, when you mix a product with a spreader sticker, like Bravo, with a product that is locally systemic, like Altacor, the locally systemic product may get tied up with the spreader sticker and not work as well. Syngenta folks have seen this with Bravo and other products like Altacor. The only way to get around this is to add a penetrant surfactant and phytotoxicity may become an issue. If you choose to mix these products, don’t mix any more than you will need as these products do not like to sit together for a long time (may be some settling out). If you opt to separate the sprays, apply Altacor first (allow it to penetrate) and then apply the Bravo.
Dodder is starting to show up in good quantity on some bogs. There are not many options left at this point. If the dodder is attached to weeds that are susceptible to Callisto, you can try a Callisto application. If the dodder is mainly attached to cranberry, Callisto will probably not give you the control you are looking for. It is probably past the window for QuinStar if the dodder is already well attached, but if it is not, you could get some control. Now is the good window to use QuinStar for yellow loosestrife control. If you would like to try the hand-held flame cultivators for dodder control (they work well but take time to treat), call Katie at x27 to see if ours are available for loan. The open flame cultivator can be purchased locally (e.g., Home Depot), for about $50. The infrared models are more money and must be ordered over the internet. There are pros and cons to each type and we can talk to you about that if you are interested.
Ocean Spray fresh fruit export growers cannot apply chlorothalonil (Bravo) after July 15. All other types of delivery to OS can receive chlorothalonil applications up to July 25. Folks delivering to Decas cannot use chlorothalonil after July 25. Be sure to confirm with your handler if you have any questions about pesticide use. QuinStar and Poast have 60-day PHIs, so this may be getting close if you are harvesting early September.