We continue to see conditions that support that the season is running about 2 weeks ahead of average (some fruit are blushing this week). Flea beetle is out and can be controlled with Sevin and Diazinon if numbers are high. There are reports of southern red mite damage so keep an eye out for that; Nexter can be used for mite control. Sprays have been going out for cranberry fruitworm control. Be sure you are counting unhatched viable eggs. If you need verification about egg status, you can bring the suspect fruit to the entomology lab and they will look at the fruit under the microscope. More than 90% of the eggs that growers brought in were dead. Reminder for those delivering to Ocean Spray: No Sevin (carbaryl) applications can be made after August 1.
Even though it is too late for most situations, keep in mind that the total amount of Belay that you can use is 12 oz/season. So if you use it as a soil application, you will use up the 12 oz limit in the one shot.
There continues to be concern about a third generation of black headed fireworm. We just don’t know how things will work out (ie, will the eggs hatch? Will the larvae be around to cause damage?). Hatch will depend upon daylength and evening low temperatures. Scout for injury; if you see any, spray ASAP.
The Station will be celebrating its 100th anniversary at the CCCGA’s summer meeting. We hope you will all join us on Tuesday August 17 for the clam bake and festivities. Call the CCCGA at 866-7878 for more information.