Belay is a new insecticide that targets summer generation cranberry weevil. You may apply it twice per season not to exceed 12 oz/A. Belay is very toxic to bees—spray post bloom! We have heard reports of very high numbers of weevil during the past week (50+ on average). Belay can be used in Zone II and is a viable alternative for weevil control. Belay can also be used against grubs (please see June newsletter). It is also labeled for black headed fireworm, Spag, and cranberry fruitworm, though the Entomology lab is currently NOT recommending its used against these pests. Delegate and Assail are better choices at this time.
Again, the season continues to be ahead of normal as many growers will have applied two cranberry fruitworm sprays BEFORE July 4th. Remember to start sampling and inspecting eggs following the second spray.
Frank has mentioned that Phytophthora is showing up in many beds this year. He recommends testing vines where the fungus is suspected to verify that the pathogen is present. If no fungus is present, drainage will be the best approach and you will save money on fungicides. If the fungus is present, drainage should be improved before the application of fungicides.