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Secondary Conservation List of Non-Native Species

Secondary Conservation List of non-native species

The plants listed in the "Secondary List" are those species, both native to North America outside of Massachusetts as well as introduced from other areas, that have few insect and/or disease problems, are NOT invasive, and may have wildlife value. They might be considered for ue in less sensitive areas within the buffer zone.


Buffer Zone Trees and Shrubs

Soil moisture:

W = wet, D = dry, M = moist


SU = sun, SH = shade, PS = part shade


! = possible pests, # = stoloniferous, OC = on center, c = caliper, ST = salt tolerant, WL = wildlife value


Shrubs, Low
Scientific Name Commmon Name W M D SU PS SH H x W Opt. Size Spacing
Cephalotaxus harringtonia Japanese Plum Yew   X X X     5 x 10 2 G 8' OC
Microbiota decussata Russian Arborvitae   X X X X   1 x 6 1-2 G 4' OC
# Itea virginica Virginia sweetspice   X   X X   3 x 6 1-2 G 4' OC
Pieris floribunda Mountain pieris   X   X X   4 x 4 1-2 G 3' OC


Shrubs, Medium
Scientific Name Commmon Name W M D SU PS SH H x W Opt. Size Spacing
Calycanthus florida WL Carolina allspice   X X X X   9 x 10  2 G 6' OC
Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree   X X X     12 x 15 2-5 G 8' OC
Fothergilla gardenia Dwarf fothergilla   X X X     4 x 4 2 G 3' OC
Fothergilla major Large fothergilla   X X X     8 x 8 2 G 6' OC
! Ilex x meserveae WL Meserve hybrid holly   X   X X   10 x 10 2 G 6' OC
Hamamelis x intermedia Hybrid witch hazel   X   X X   10 x 15 2 G 6' OC
Hamamelis mollis Chinese witch hazel   X   X X   10 x 15 2 G 8' OC
Hamamelis vernalis Vernal witch hazel   X   X X   10 x 15 2 G 8' OC
Hydrangea macrophylla Bigleaf hydrangea   X   X X   6 x 6 2 G 5' OC
Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf hydrangea   X   X X   6 x 6 2 G 5' OC
Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark   X X X X   8 x 8 2 G 6' OC
Syringa meyeri Meyer lilac   X   X     8 x 8 2 G 6' OC
Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim'  Miss Kim Korean lilac   X   X     8 x 8 2 G 6' OC


Shrubs, Tall
Scientific Name Commmon Name W M D SU PS SH H x W Opt. Size Spacing
Aesculus parviflora WL Bottlebrush buckeye   X X X X   12 x 25 2-5 G 10' OC
Cotinus coggygria Smokebush   X X X     15 x 15 2 G 8' OC
Enkianthus campanulatus Redvein enkianthus   X   X X   15 x 8 2-5 G 5' OC
Hydrangea paniculata Panicle hydrangea   X X X X   15 x 10 2 G 5' OC
Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum WL Doublefile viburnum   X   X     12 x 12 2-5 G 8' OC
Viburnum sargentii WL Sargent viburnum   X X X X   15 x 15 2-5 G 10' OC
Viburnum sieboldii WL Siebold viburnum   X X X X   20 x 15 2-5 G 10' OC
Viburnum trilobum WL American cranberrybush   X   X X   12 x 10 2 G 8' OC


Trees, Small (Understory)

Scientific Name Commmon Name W M D SU PS SH H x W Opt. Size Spacing
Acer buergerianu Trident maple   X X X X   25 x 30 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Acer campestre Hedge maple   X X X X   30 x 35 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Acer griseum Paperbark maple   X X X X   30 x 20 1.5"-2" c 15' OC
Acer triflorum Three-flower maple   X X X     30 x 30 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Cornus kousa WL Kousa dogwood   X X X X   30 x 30 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Cornus mas WL Corneliancherry dogwood   X X X X   25 x 20 1.5"-2" c 15' OC
Cotinus obovatus American smoketree   X X X X   30 x 30 5-7 G 20' OC
Halsia tetrapta Carolina silverbell   X X X X   30 x 35 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Ilex pedunculosa WL Longstalk holly   X   X X   25 x 20 5'-6'  15' OC
Ptelea trifoliate Hop tree   X   X X X 15 x 15 1.5"-2" c 12' OC
Magnolia x loeberni Loebner hybrid magnolia   X         25 x 25 5 G 20' OC
Magnolia stellata Star magnolia   X   X     25 x 15 5 G 12' OC
Malus ‘Donald Wyman’ WL Disease resistant crabapples   X X X     20 x 20 1.5"-2" c 15' OC
Styrax japonicus Japanese styrax   X   X X   20 x 20 1.5"-2" c

15' OC

Syringa reticulata Japanese tree lilac   X X X     30 x 25 5-7 G

20' OC


Trees, Tall (Canopy)
Scientific Name Commmon Name W M D SU PS SH H x W Opt. Size Spacing
Abies concolor WL Concolor fir   X X X     75 x 40 5'-8' 35' OC
Aesculus x carnea WL Red horsechestnut   X X X     40 x 30 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Carpinus betulus European hornbeam   X X X X   50 x 40 1.5"-2" c 30' OC
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura   X   X X   75 x 30 1.5"-2" c 20' OC
Chamaecyparis obtusa Hinoki falsecypress   X X X X   50 x 20 5'-8' 15' OC
Chamaecyparis pisifera ST Sawara falsecypress   X X X     70 x 25 5'-8' 20' OC
Cladrastis kentuckea American yellowwood   X   X X   50 x 40 1.5"-2" c 35' OC
Ginkgo biloba ST Ginkgo   X X X     70 x 40 1.5"-2" c 35' OC
Liquidambar styraciflua American sweetgum   X X X     60 x 40 1.5"-2" c 35' OC
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn redwood X X X X     75 x 30 5'-8' 25' OC
Oxydendrum arboretum Sourwood   X   X X   40 x 20 1.5"-2" c 15' OC
! Pinus cembra WL Swiss stone pine   X X X     40 x 20 5'-8' 15' OC
! Pinus parviflora ST, WL Japanese white pine   X X X     50 x 25 5'-8' 20' OC
Sciadopitys verticillata Japanese umbrella pine   X X X     60 x 20 5'-8' 15' OC
Stewartia pseudocamellia Japanese stewartia   X   X X   40 x 20 1.5"-2" c 15' OC
Taxodium ascendens Pond cypress X X   X     80 x 20 5'-8' 15' OC
Taxodium distichum Baldcypress X X   X     60 x 30 5'-8' 25' OC
Ulmus parvifolia Lacebark elm   X X X     50 x 40 1.5"-2" c 35' OC
Xanthocyparis nootkatensis WL Alaskan falsecypress   X X X     60 x 30 5'-8' 25' OC