The MyIPM smartphone app has undergone a major update! Previous to now, separate MyIPM apps were available for different crops and disease/insect scenarios. (See previous news item here.) NOW, these have been rolled into one major upgrade of the MyIPM app, and it is available on both the Play and Apple Stores on your Android or iOS device respectively. MyIPM now includes Apple, Blackberry, Pear, Cherry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Peach, Bunch (grape), and Cranberry fruit crops, with both Disease and Insect pest and management information. MyIPM's main intent is to help with chemical control selection to avoid developing chemical pest resistance by rotating fungicides/insecticides/miticides. There is also a wealth of practical information on pest biology, alternative control methods, and chemical control options. In addition this update to MyIPM includes information on pesticide (by trade name) application risk for many environmental factors such as pollinator, human, avian, aquatic, earthworm, and small mammal. (As provided by the Pesticide Risk Tool.) There is also a handy app-wide "Search for pesticide" function. Speaking of search, SEARCH for "MyIPM" in your respective smartphone app store to download and begin using MyIPM to help with pest identification, management, and resistance avoidance.