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2021 Pre-season PGR (apple thinning) Briefing

Gala apple fruitlets
March 5, 2021

Modi apples on trees

Pre-season apple thinning briefing for growers: Using PGR’s to optimize crop load for a profitable 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021
12 noon to 2 PM
Via Zoom (pre-registration is required)

2 pesticide license recertification credits will be available


12 Noon - Introduction

Carbohydrate model and measuring fruitlets, it all adds up (enter metamitron) - Dr. Duane Greene (UMass Amherst)

Fruitlet growth rate model cookbook - Jon Clements (UMass Amherst)

Apple tree physiology: effect on thinning decisions - Dr. Poliana Francescatto (Valent Biosciences)

Exceed your late thinning expectations with Protone and Accede (coming soon) - Dr. Gregory Clarke (Valent USA)

Arrange your “off” year - Jim Scruggs/Drew Hubbard (Fine Americas)

Making your PGR applications work - Win Cowgill (Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, and Win Enterprises International, LLC)

2 PM - Adjourn

Pre-registration required:
2 pesticide license recertification credits will be available
Price: FREE, but you must pre-register to attend


